<name> Qian Zhang (张茜), PhD <⁄name>
<occupation> Sr. Data Scientist <⁄occupation>
<affiliation> Twitter <⁄affiliation>
<research> network science, knowledge graphs, information diffusion, computational epidemiology, human dynamics modeling & simulations, data mining, machine learning. <⁄research>
<occupation> Sr. Data Scientist <⁄occupation>
<affiliation> Twitter <⁄affiliation>
<research> network science, knowledge graphs, information diffusion, computational epidemiology, human dynamics modeling & simulations, data mining, machine learning. <⁄research>
- [03/03/2020] It is always pleasant to work with a talented student, genius mentors and the best advisor in the world: our study on dynamics on large-scale social contagion is published on Nature Physics: Phase transitions in information spreading on structured populations
- [02/16/2018] Our five-year work on link transmission centrality and detection of weak tie is finally online now. Check arxiv version here.
- [04/05/2017] I am thrilled to announce that our paper Forecasting seasonal influenza fusing digital indicators and mechanistic disease models, won the Best Paper Honorable Mention award in WWW2017!
- [03/28/2017] Our work on projecting Zika epidemics in America is accepted by Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.
- [12/19/2016] Our four-year work on seasonal influenza forecasting, titled Forecasting seasonal influenza fusing digital indicators and mechanistic disease models, is accepted by WWW2017! (for non-CS readers: WWW is one of top-tier conferences in computer science, and the acceptance rate this year is 17%)
- [11/30/2016] Invited talk at Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY.
- [07/29/2016] Check our latest research project on Modeling and projecting spread of Zika virus in Americas .
- [07/28/2016] Our latest book chapter about 2014 Ebola outbreak is online: Real-Time Assessment of the International Spreading Risk Associated with the 2014 West African Ebola Outbreak .
- [04/16/2016] Check our research on topical differences between Chinese tweets and weibo. (also in arXiv).
- [07/18/2015] is extended to the south hemisphere! Check the real-time influenza forecast for Chile, Australia and New Zealand. July 18 2015
- [12/15/2014] Check our latest project on Real-Time Seasonal Influenza Forecasting for North America and Western Europe: December 15 2014
- [10/20/2014] Check our latest project on monitoring in real-time the global awareness about #ebola on twitter by the ISI Data Science Lab and MoBS:
- [03/01/2014] Check our predictions for the seasonal influenza in 2013-2014 in Italy here (in Italian and Google translator can help).