(† Authors ordered alphabetically)
Working papers / Preprints
- † J. Asher, C., G. Chen, D. Cummings, M. Chinazzi, S. Daniel-Wayman, M. Fischer, N. Ferguson, D. Follman, M E. Halloran, M. Johansson, K. Kugeler, J. Kwan, J. Lessler, I. M Longini, S. Merler, A. Monaghan, A. Pastore y Piontti, A. Perkins, D R. Prevots, R. Reiner, L. Rossi, I. Rodriguez-Barraquer, A. S Siraj, K. Sun, A. Vespignani, Q. Zhang. Preliminary results of models to predict areas in the Americas with increased likelihood of Zika virus transmission in 2017. bioRxiv187591 , Sep. 18, 2017
- Q. Zhang, D. Balcan, A. Vespignani. Phase transition in rumor spread on complex contact networks. Unpublished. (full content can be found in Chapter 5 of my PhD dissertation)
Book Chapter
- A. Pastore-Piontti, Q. Zhang, M. FC Gomes, L. Rossi, C. Poletto, V. Colizza, D. L. Chao, I. M. Longini, M. E. Halloran, A. Vespignani. Real-Time Assessment of the International Spreading Risk Associated with the 2014 West African Ebola Outbreak. In Mathematical and Statistical Modeling for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases, G. Chowell, J. M. Hyman (editors), pp39-56, 2016, Springer [LINK]
Peer-reviewed journals & conference proceedings
- D. Perrotta, E. Frias-Martinez, A. Pastore-Piontti, Q. Zhang, M. Luengo-Oroz, D. Paolotti, M. Tizzoni, A. Vespignani. Comparing Sources of Mobility for Modelling the Epidemic Spread of Zika Virus in Colombia. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2022) 16 (7), e0010565. [LINK]
- Z. J. Madewell, A. Pastore Y Piontti, Q. Zhang, N. Burton, Y. Yang, I. M. Longini, M. E. Halloran, A. Vespignani, N. E. Dean. Using simulated infectious disease outbreaks to inform site selection and sample size for individually randomized vaccine trials during an ongoing epidemic. Clinical Trials (2021): 17407745211028898. [LINK]
- I. Miliou, X. Xiong, S. Rinzivillo, Q. Zhang, G. Rossetti, F. Giannotti, D. Pedreschi, A. Vespignani. Predicting seasonal influenza using supermarket retail records. PLOS Computational Biology 17.7 (2021): e1009087. [LINK]
- J. T. Davis, N. Perra, Q. Zhang, Y. Moreno, A. Vespignani. Phase Transitions in Information Spreading on Structured Populations. Nature Physics. 16, 590–596 (2020) [LINK]
- M. Chinazzi, B. Gonçalves, Q. Zhang, A. Vespignani. Mapping the Physics Research Space: a Machine Learning approach. EPJ Data Science. 8:33 (2019) [LINK]
- C. J. McGowan, M. Biggerstaff , M. Johansson, K. M. Apfeldorf, M. Ben-Nun, L. Brooks, M. Convertino, M. Erraguntla, D. C. Farrow, J. Freeze, S. Ghosh, S. Hyun, S. Kandula, J. Lega, Y. Liu, N. Michaud, H. Morita, J. Niemi, N. Ramakrishnan, E. L. Ray, N. G. Reich, P. Riley, J. Shaman, R. Tibshirani, A. Vespignani, Q. Zhang, C. Reed & The Influenza Forecasting Working Group. Collaborative efforts to forecast seasonal influenza in the United States, 2015–2016. Scientific Reports. 9 (683). January 2019. [LINK]
- Q-H Liu, X. Xiong, Q. Zhang, N. Perra. Epidemic spreading on time-varying multiplex networks. Physical Review E 98, 062303. (2018). [LINK][arXiv]
- K. Sun, Q. Zhang, A. Pastore-Piontti, M. Chinazzi, D. Mistry, N. E. Dean, D. P. Rojas, S. Merler, P. Poletti, L. Rossi, M. E. Halloran, I. M. Longini, A. Vespignani. Quantifying the risk of local Zika virus transmission in the continental US during the 2015-2016 ZIKV epidemic. BMC Medicine. 16:195 (2018). [LINK]
- Q. Zhang, M. Karsai, A. Vespignani. Link transmission centrality in large-scale social networks. EPJ Data Science. 7:33 (2018). [LINK]
- Q-H. Liu, F-M Lü, Q. Zhang, M. Tang, T. Zhou. Impacts of opinion leaders on social contagions. Chaos. 28, 053103 (2018). [LINK]
- † M. Biggerstaff, M. Johansson, D. Alper, L.C. Brooks, P. Chakraborty, D.C. Farrow, S. Hyun, S. Kandula, C. McGowan, N. Ramakrishnan, R. Rosenfeld, J. Shaman, R. Tibshirani, R. J. Tibshirani, A. Vespignani, W. Yang, Q. Zhang, C. Reed. Results from the second year of a collaborative effort to forecast influenza seasons in the United States. Epidemics (2018). In press. [LINK]
- † J.S., Brownstein, S. Chu, A. Marathe, M.V. Marathe, A.T. Nguyen, D. Paolotti, N. Perra, D. Perrotta, M. Santillana, S. Swarup, M. Tizzoni, A. Vespignani, A.K.S. Vullikanti, M.L. Wilson, Q. Zhang. Combining Participatory Influenza Surveillance with Modeling and Forecasting, JMIR Public Health Surveillance, 2017;3(4):e83 [LINK]
- M. Ajelli, Q. Zhang, K. Sun, S. Merler, L. Fumanelli, G. Chowell, L. Simonsen, C. Viboud, A. Vespignani. The RAPIDD Ebola forecasting challenge: Model description and synthetic data generation, Epidemics Volume 22, March 2018, Pages 3-12. (2017). [LINK]
- C. Viboud, K. Sun, R. Gaffey, M. Ajelli, L. Fumanelli, S. Merler, Q. Zhang, G. Chowell, L. Simonsen, A. Vespignani. The RAPIDD ebola forecasting challenge: Synthesis and lessons learnt. Epidemics Volume 22, March 2018, Pages 13-21. (2017). [LINK]
- Q. Zhang, K. Sun, M. Chinazzi, A. Pastore-Piontti, N. E. Dean, D. P. Rojas, S. Merler, D. Mistry, P. Poletti, L. Rossi, M. Bray, M. E. Halloran, I. M. Longini, A. Vespignani. Spreading of Zika virus in the Americas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2017): vol. 114 no. 22, E4334–E4343, . [Media coverage: The Atlantic, New Scientist, Homeland Security News Wire, Boston’s NPR News Station, Biomedical Computation Review, The Conversation, Health Data Management] [LINK]
- Q, Zhang, N. Perra, D. Perrotta, D. Paolotti, M. Tizzoni, A. Vespignani. Forecasting seasonal influenza fusing digital indicators and mechanistic disease models. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2017 ) (accept rate 17%). Perth, Australia, April 2017. [PDF] [Best Paper Honorable Mention award] [Media coverage: CNN, NBC News, Digital Trends, Northeastern University News]
- M. Del Vicario, Q. Zhang, A. Bessi, F. Zollo, A. Scala, G. Caldarelli. Structural Patterns of the Occupy Movement on Facebook. The Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2016), Milan, Italy, Nov. 2016 arXiv:1501.07203,
- Q. Zhang, B. Gonçalves. Topical differences between Chinese language Twitter and Sina Weibo. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW '16 Companion), pp 625-628. Montreal, Canada, April 2016 arXiv:1512.07281
- D. Mistry, Q. Zhang, N. Perra, A. Baronchelli, Committed activists and the reshaping of status-quo social consensus. Physical Review E 92.4 (2015): 042805 arXiv:1505.02138.
- Q. Zhang, C Gioannini, D. Paolotti, N. Perra, D. Perrotta, M. Quaggiotto, M. Tizzoni, A. Vespignani, Social data mining and seasonal influenza forecasts: the FluOutlook platform. The Proceedings of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practices of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD 2015), LNCS, Porto, Portugal, September 2015. [LINK]
- P. Schumm, C. Scoglio, Q. Zhang, D. Balcan. Global epidemic invasion thresholds in directed subpopulation networks having source, sink, and transit nodes, Journal of Theoretical Biology 367, 203-221, 2015 [LINK]
- D. Mocanu, L. Rossi, Q. Zhang, M. Karsai, W. Quattrociocchi, Collective attention in the age of (mis)information, Computers in Human Behaviors 51, 1198-2004, 2015 [LINK] [Media coverage: MIT technology review, Slate, The Daily Dot, Liberty Voice, The Atlantic, Wired IT (in Italian), Wired UK, La Stampa (in Italian), PBS, Telecom Italia (in Italian), lsdi.it (in Italian)]
- A. Bessi, A. Scala, L. Rossi, Q. Zhang, W. Quattrociocchi, The economy of attention in the age of (mis)information, Journal of Trust Management 2014, 1:12 [LINK]
- D. Mocanu, A. Baronchelli, N. Perra, B. Gonçalves, Q. Zhang, A. Vespignani, The Twitter of Babel: Mapping World Languages through Microblogging Platforms, PLoS ONE 8, e61981 April 2013 [LINK] [Supplementary website]
- Q. Zhang, N. Perra, B. Gonçalves, F. Ciulla, A. Vespignani, Characterizing scientific production and consumption in Physics, Scientific Reports 3, 1640 April 2013 [LINK] [Media coverage: Wired, The Atlantic Cities, El Definido (in Spanish)]
- Q. Zhang and N. D. Osgood, Summary Function Elasticity Analysis for an Individual-based System Dynamics Model, The Proceedings of 2010 Winter Simulation Conference (invited paper), Baltimore, MD. December 2010. [PDF]
- D. M. Vickers, Q. Zhang and N. D. Osgood, Immunobiological Outcomes of Repeated Chlamydial Infection from Two Models of Within-Host Population Dynamics. PLoS ONE 4(9): e6886. September 2009 [LINK]
- Q. Zhang, and N. D. Osgood, Local Analysis of Individual-based Viral Dynamic Models with Eigenspace and Eigenvalue Elasticity Analysis. The Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Albuquerque, NM. July, 2009 [LINK]
- Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang and S. Qin, Modeling and Analysis for Obstacle Avoidance of a Behavior-Based Robot with Objected Oriented Methods. Journal of Computers. 4(4), April 2009 [LINK]
- Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang and S. Qin, The object oriented analysis and modeling for obstacle avoidance of a behavior-based robot, The Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics 2007, 1545-1550, Montreal, Canada, October, 2007 [LINK]
- T. Gong, Q. Zhang and H. Wu, Music Evolution in a Complex System of Interacting Agents. The Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005. Edinburgh, Scotland. September, 2005 [LINK]
PhD Dissertation
Q. Zhang, Contagion and ranking processes in complex networks: the role of geography and interaction strength. College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA, April 2014. [LINK]
MSc Thesis
Q. Zhang, Application and evaluation of local and global analysis for dynamic models of infectious disease spread. Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK. Canada, December 2008. [LINK]